PATCHWORK MUGS QAL - WEEK 3: Sew the tree, heart or star units/pieces

Welcome to the PATCHWORK MUGS QAL WEEK 3!! This week, we will be sewing the tree, heart or star units/pieces. It depends on your choice of the version.
WEEK 3: Sew the tree, heart or star units/pieces

Although I'm making the star version, I'd like to explain about each version's process here. The instructions includes many diagrams to support the process so you may not need these info but I added the photos of some of the processes. I thought that actual photos may be more helpful for some of you. Click your version below to see and read about the process.
Star units
Tree units
Heart pieces

Good luck with making the units/pieces! And don't forget to share a photo of your process on Instagram or Facebook (if you have an account) using #patchworkmugsqal and #patchworkmugsquilt, and also tag me @satomi_quilts (Instagram). It's a great way to inspire and connect with other participants!

- 3/1 - Week 1: Preparing the fabrics
- 3/8 - Week 2: Cutting the fabric and organizing
- 3/15 - Week 3: Sew the tree, heart or star units/pieces
- 3/22 - Week 4: Make 6 mug units
- 3/29 - Week 5: Make 6 mug units
- 4/5 - Week 6: Make 12 mug handle units and complete all 12 mug blocks
- 4/12 - Week 7: Make cornerstone, sashing rows and assemble the quilt top
- 4/20 - The last day to share a photo of your finished quilt top on Instagram/Facebook using #patchworkmugsqal & #pacthworkmugsquilt, also tag me @satomi_quilts (Instagram) or leave a comment on the Week 7 post to let me know that you've completed the quilt top after you've posted a photo to your account.
- 4/22 - The winners will be announced on Instagram/Facebook and in a newsletter.