PATCHWORK MUGS quilt - Star units
Eight at a time Half Square Triangles (HST)
Eight at a time Half Square Triangles (HST) method is a great way to make HSTs, especially when we have to make many of them. I used this method for PATCHWORK MUGS quilt pattern since I had to make many HSTs for the star units to make the blocks look scrappy.

Take your choice of one Square T2 and one Square U2.

Draw two diagonal lines on the wrong side of one of the squares. Then, right sides together (RST), layer the squares and pin them to secure.

Sew two seam, each 1/4" away from the marked line. I love using my favorite patchwork foot #97 on my BERNINA B480.
If your seam is larger than 1/4", the HSTs will be smaller than they are supposed to be, so try your best to sew with accuracy here.

Cut the pieced square in half each way.

Then cut the diagonal line of each small square.

Cut the dog ears and press. They should measure at 2" squares.

Here are the eight HSTs!
(You can watch Instagram reel here.)
Complete the star units

Gather four Squares U1 and four Squares T1 in the same colors used to make eight HSTs. RST, sew the pieces with the HSTs to make four star units.

Repeat the process for creating the remaining star units.