BEACH DAY QUILT: How to use the templates C & D
It may be a little tricky to sew BEACH DAY quilt umbrella blocks. I added two ways to make them in the instructions. One is to mark the cutting points to the half square triangles (HST), and the other one is to use the templates C and D for cutting the angles (this is an option). Measuring and trimming the umbrella units could be a lengthy process but using the templates C and D did shorten my work time!
The paper pattern will come with the printed templates. You can print them on a home printer and use them. I recommend keeping the original.
The digital pattern will also come with the templates and you have to print from your PC. Make sure to print the templates with ACTUAL SIZE!
Cut the templates out after printing. Prepare the quilting rulers. They don’t need to be rectangular but at least 7” long is suitable.
Connect both ends of the cut scotch tape with the sticky side out (or double sided tape) and attach it to the top of Template C. Then attach Template C to the back side of the ruler. Aline the edge of the template and the ruler.
Note: The template in the photo below shows “SUMMER BEACH”. I changed the title of the pattern to BEACH DAY after I took this photo before releasing the pattern. But the size is the same!
Gather the HST unit and the ruler with Template C.
Rotate the HST unit carefully to get the right angle to trim. Place the ruler onto the unit, slide and align to the corner as shown in the photo.
Place the background rectangle onto the previous trimmed piece, sew with a ¼” seam allowance and press.
Place the ruler onto the unit and trim the excess.
Next you need Template D. The process will be almost the same as using Template C.
Rotate the previous pieced unit carefully to get the right angle to trim. Place the ruler with the template D onto the piece, slide and align to the corner as shown in the photo, trim.
Place the background rectangle onto it, sew with a ¼” seam allowance and press.

Trim the block. Repeat the process and make 4 units to make a umbrella.
I hope this tutorials are helpful for you!
Happy quilting!