Hi there!
I'm sharing how to chain piece an entire quilt top. It's a useful technique when you make a pixel quilt.
First, prepare all the squares you need according to the instructions.

Then, make the four patch blocks.
I wrote the numbers on the piece of papers and place them on top of the each column.
No need to prepare the numbers for the rows.
Make a set of squares for each column starting with 1st Column. As you see in the photo above, Row 1 should be the top, Row 2 is 2nd from the top (repeat with Row 3, 4, 5, 6....) and the last row is the bottom of the set.
You have a set of squares for Column 1.
Place a piece of paper with the number on top of a set for Column 1. I used a wonder clip to hold a set.
Repeat this process with the rest of the columns.
Now you have all the sets!
Take the sets of Column 1 and Column 2.
Take the squares Row 1 from each set.
Right sides together (RST), layer the Column 2 / Row 1 square onto the Column 1 / Row 1 square as shown in the photo above.
Piece the squares together with 1/4" seam allowance. Do not cut the threads after piecing these squares. Leave these squares after piecing, then feed next set of squares.
By the way, I kept the long threads I had at the beginning of sewing because it helped me to know which side is the top.
Take 2nd row from each column. RST, layer the Column 2 / Row 2 onto the Column 1 / Row 2.
Piece the squares together with 1/4" seam allowance. Repeat this process with the rest of squares for the Column 1.
This is chain piecing. The pieced squares are connected with the threads.
Here is how it looks after sewing Column 1 and Column 2.
Next, take a set of Column 3.
RST, layer the Column 3 / Row 1 onto Column2 / Row1.
Piece the squares together with 1/4" seam allowance.
Repeat the process with the rest of the squares for Column 3.
Column 3 is done.
Repeat the process with the rest of columns.
All the rows are pieced and connected with the threads.
This is how it looks after piecing all the rows.
If you would like to press the seam before sewing, make sure to alternate the direction of each row. For example, first row to the right, second row to the left, third row to the right... And continue the process with the rows that follow.
If you would like to press the seam after piecing all the rows together, make sure to alternate the direction of each row as you go.
1st Row and 2nd Row are pieced. Continue the process with the rest.
Finished the top!
Chain piecing is a great technique and very useful. I hope you enjoy this tutorial.
Happy quilting!