OMBRE RAINBOWS: Quilted Cushion Cover
Ombre Rainbow quilt pattern includes the cutting table to make a sign block. Although this is an ombre-rainbow inspired quilt pattern, you can use any colors and fabrics you would like.
Originally I designed this pattern and made a large throw quilt for Love Patchwork & Quilting magazine in June 2022. It was for the Pride Month issue. After I made the sample, I used the leftover fabrics to create a cute matching cushion cover. It may be not the rainbow colors, but I loved this scrappy look!

Here are what you need:
- Fabric 1 (pink): one (1) 2 1/2in x 12in
- Fabric 2 (yellow): one (1) 2 1/2in x 25in
- Fabric 3 (orange): one (1) 2 1/2in x 35in
- Fabric 4 (green): one (1) 1/4yd
- Background fabric (white): one (1) fat quarter or 1/4 yard
- Lining fabric: Two (2) 21in x 25in
- Backing fabric (natural): One (1) 17in x 21in
- Batting: Two (2) 19in x 23in
- Nylon coil zipper: One (1) 16in
Cut the parts according to the cutting table in the instructions.
For the borders, cut the following rectangles from the background fabric.
- Two (2) 2 3/4in x 21in for the top and bottom borders
- Two (2) 2 3/4in x 12 1/2in for the side borders

Follow the instructions to make one rainbow block.
(For this tutorials, I used a Heart version of block.)
RST, sew the border strips to both sides of the rainbow block, then sew the top and bottom border strips. Press seams toward the borders. Unfinished size is 17in x 21in.

Layer the lining piece, batting and complete cushion top to make a quilt sandwich. Baste and quilt as desired. Trim away the excess batting and lining fabric and square up the cushion front. Repeat the steps and quilt the cushion back.

Gather the quilted cushion top, the cushion back and the zipper.

Mark 2 1/4in from both ends of the bottom side of the cushion.
Note: I was planning to mark 2 1/2in here, but it shrank a little after quilting, so I changed it to 2 1/4in. I recommend placing the zipper in the middle and checking the measurements before sewing.
RST, sew from the edge to the 2 1/4in marked point using 1/2in seam allowance. Use the backstitch at the start and finish to secure. Repeat the process with the other edge.

Stitch between the 2 1/4in marks using a long basting length (4.0 or more) using 1/2in seam allowance. No need to use backstitch. Press seam open.

With the piece from previous step the wrong side up, place the zipper facing down onto the basted stitch part. Secure the zipper with the pins.

Stitch along the edges of the zipper using a zipper foot. Start sewing at the end of the zipper using backstitch to secure.

When you approach the zipper head, stop sewing, place the needle in the down position and move the zipper head out of the way. Stitch all sides of the zipper.

Turn the cushion cover piece to the right side. Remove the basting threads over the zipper carefully using a seam ripper. Make sure that you stop at both of the 2 1/4in marks.

Note: I recommend using a pin at the end of the basting stiches to prevent the seam ripper from cutting through the other stitches.

Open the zipper. RST, sew the top and both sides of the cushion top and back with 1/2in seam allowance. Trim the corners. Make sure that you don’t cut the stitch part.

Use zig-zag stitches to secure the raw edges. And turn the cushion cover right side out.
Congratulations!! You made it!